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Resilience Coach

 Hey There!!!

I am a Licensed Christian Counselor, Certified Resilience Coach, ACTS of Life Expert, Thought Leader, and Keynote Speaker. My holistic approach brings clarity, direction, and positive support to my clients. I help clients live their best life, by filling the gap between where they are now, and where they want to be. By identifying where growth is desired, setting goals and objectives, and holding accountability, clients will reach their highest goals and dreams. 


Do any of these questions relate to you?

  • Are you going through a stage where you feel stuck, lost, confused, or conflicted?

  • Do you feel disconnected from the people around you, friends, co-workers, or even yourself?

  • Are you feeling a lack of motivation or a lack and understanding of your true purpose?

  • Do you lack the confidence and personal accountability to take your dream to the next level?


​If you’re reading this and shouting "that's my story Coach Andi!” – then exhale...You’ve found the right place because you aren't alone as you are experiencing the "ACTS of Life"! 


With me as your coach:

You will discover answers, find solutions, and create possibilities to move forward in the area you want coaching. You are whole, complete, and resourceful and I coach you knowing that! I work one-on-one with you to take action in your relationships, business, and mental health to create the life you want to be living. As a result of Resilience Coaching, my clients are able to reframe their mindset, harness their inner strength, and take action toward their dreams. I'm looking for people who are ready to get out of their own way, take action with confidence, and discover their purpose. You are already born with the qualities you will need to fulfill your destiny! Let me help you reach each milestone, one at a time, with an ultimate end goal of clarity and success!



Live Your Life Fueled by Purpose and Passion...

Coaching is my Passion!! Helping you to live an empowered and incredible life for yourself, your family, and your business is my mission and purpose. 

Here are 2 Coaching Nuggets:

  1. Accountability and partnership make the difference between achieving and failing. 

  2. Asking for help makes you smart, not weak. ​

My question to you is this if you could do on your own whatever that thing is which brings you here today, wouldn’t you have already done it? So what decision is going to make a measurable and real difference for you? 



Let me show you how to discover and maximize your potential so you can excel in life!

Image by Augustine Wong

Work With Me




Feeling stuck, or simply feel like learning something new about yourself, or looking to shake up your life? Coach Andi is here to provide you with all the tools you need in order to reach your goals. Programs are strategically designed so that clients find meaningful and actionable takeaways. Explore our offerings below.




Whether in your professional or personal life, everyone has something to work on. Mark of Resilience offers consulting programs for clients from all industries and backgrounds, but we specialize in supporting educational organizations. We can help unlock your organization's potential and set you on your way toward success. Our motto is Proactive Solutions, Reactive Results so take a look at our offerings right here to learn more.

Modern Workspace



Discover the tools and strategies you need to break through roadblocks and create the life you desire through our online courses. We are in the process of building several online “at your own pace” courses designed to help you annihilate your limiting beliefs, overcome mental obstacles, instill confidence and excel in your personal life and business to new levels. Find and live your true purpose in life while living with excitement and passion.

Image by XPS


Join Us On The "Unbought, Unbossed" Podcast

"DeAndrea’s passion stems from her love for children and a system that is set up for their success. DeAndrea also shows that she cares about her own health and wellness. She is open and honest about preventative steps women should take to stay healthy. DeAndrea is equipped to coach campus and district leaders on climate and culture, but also on ways for campus leaders to increase teacher quality through efficacy. Outside of education, DeAndrea is a wonderful Life Coach. She is so inspirational and holds the key to success. Watching DeAndrea over the years, I’ve taken notes. Some of those notes include that DeAndrea is a positive role model for women and young girls. She is transparent and authentic in all things. That alone fosters trust and lasting relationships. DeAndrea would be a great mentor for female leaders who struggle to find their place at the table. She would also help women hold themselves accountable for health issues. DeAndrea is a take-charge leader and she is also kind and caring. DeAndrea is the epitome of leadership, women’s health, spiritual well-being, and black excellence. She is what every little girl and some of us grown women strive to be."

Rhonda Brookins

Transformational Leader


Why Work With Me Testimonials 

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